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    Is it easy to be young?
    Main page » Nomination

    Melnikova Anait (Mikhailovka, Volgograd region)

    Making a career choice is one of the most important and difficult decisions we make in our life. Of course it has to be made after a lot of thinking. Everyone wants to become a successful person and feel " a sweet smell of success”. It is not a secret that the most important thing is a well- paid job. You can achieve it working hard, developing your traits of character, having good education and facing luck. Someone’s support  can also help.  They say: " There is sure a way to make a career and  the best one is to be born in a proper family...”

        I agree that  family  and  everything what is  connected  with it  really mean much but  I have never thought that opening a small family business can change my life. Saying FAMILY, I mean that  all the members of this  family are involved into this business  and it doesn’t  matter how old  they are. The work  can be  found for everybody.

       I was 13 and I started working in a restaurant (it was a family business) as a helper of a waitress. The  experience was   absolutely new. It was very difficult for me, a teenager, to communicate with customers. But the more time I spent there the more I was interested in it.

       Nowadays young people have an opportunity to start working early and combine their work  and  studying. I can say  that it’s the first step to become independent and to realise yourself. One summer you may try one job the next one-another. But I decided not to change my way.

       I started with the lowest position in  a restaurant service and I now  am enjoying going up.  Today I  understand  what  I really I need.

    Unfortunately I live in a small town which hasn’t got a good restaurant and that is  why I went to a big city. It was Moscow. What could be better?

       At first   again I was a waitress than a hostess of a hall. I’ve got some  knowledge of  a professional service and  the system of restaurant R-KEEPER, I’ve also got   some ideas  about the way to the top... It was definitely  a step forward. I became more sociable, confident, responsible. To tell the truth, I realize that  a restaurant – is an alive body, with it’s fragile system and peculiarities. By the  way it was a restaurant with Czech cuisine  "KoLKoVNA” , where  you   could taste and feel " a bit Prague”.

     You know, all students need pocket money. I  am not  an exception.   It’s very necessary for me to have my own money. I can say, that students who work in a  restaurant business can afford much more in comparison with  the students working anywhere else. Having very good earnings is a good stimulus for work.

         Now I’m feeling at  ease in this sphere. May be my future will be connected with it... Why not?  I started thinking about my own restaurant, where I can be not only a hostess or a manger, but a general boss! It will be a  restaurant of my dream.

          So,  what will it be  look like?

     First of all it will be a small, cosy, elite restaurant with "high cuisine” without  any  dance  and   club music. It will have the   classical style of interior.  The atmosphere will be a bit nostalgic, cosmopolitan and yet  timeless.  The  warmth and hospitality of   it will attract  customers. I  wish it  to be popular among different people  who will be  able to celebrate  different  occasions  here  such as  wedding anniversaries, graduation, birth of  a child,  etc. Old and young  will come  to my place to enjoy food and  communication.

     I  imagine  beautiful furniture with silk and  satin upholstery and prevalence of warm colours everywhere... There will be candelabrums with candles and fresh flowers  on the tables.  Venetian porcelain will  rule  here. Original aromatic dishes will be  cooked  by a famous chef and elite wines like a Corton-Charlemagne Grand Cru AOC Bouchard Pere & Fills will be  brought  from France . It will be  a magical place with equally  magical  cuisine. What will it  be  accompanied  by?  I  would  like  my guests  eating delicious food to enjoy classical music (Antonio Vivaldi for  a example). It creates  absolutely favourable atmosphere. The very important thing is  a high  standard  of service. I think  I  shall teach  my   staff  and  it  will be  friendly  and  the  service  will be  great .

      "Theatre begins with a  cloak-room”, restaurant begins with a sign and a name.  The name definitely defines  the conception of a  restaurant. Unfortunately, I  still don’t know what  it will be. But  I  have time   and hope this  time  will work  for me.

              These  are  my  wonderful dreams   but  I have  already  made  the  first  steps in order  to achieve them and  in order  to get to the top.
    Nomination: Essay | Add: DimE (24.03.2010)
    Reads: 996 | Comments: 2 | Rating: 0.0/0
    In all comments: 2
    2 Amstel  
    Oh, dear Anait, I’m really happy for you because you know what you want, you’ve made a choice that corresponds your tastes and you are, for sure, confident in achieving considerable results. Your ideas have impressed me greatly! Well, I’m waiting for the opening of your own restaurant. Will you be so kind and let me know when it’ll happen? I’m eager to visit it!

    1 Anne  
    God Gracious! All of us - to the top! Who is willing to get a more modest position? But it's good, in fact! Young years is the time to dream! May all your dreams come true, as for the essay, it proves: you can!

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